Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Busy, busy, busy....

So school has kept me quite busy, as the absence lately shows.  But figured I'd do a quick update for all...yes, it's been tough, but not as bad as I first thought, and I may struggle, but I'll get through it all..I always do.   Anyway, just wanted to share another link for something cool I found.  It's just a PhotoShop tutorial...and I thought it may help a few out there.  Have fun and talk to ya later....


Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Monday, February 7, 2011

...but at least a little good came from it.

(Should have done these when this stuff happened, but forgot..sorry.)

Richard Dent, sack specialist and MVP of Super Bowl XX, became the 4th member of the storied " '85 Bears" to be elected to the NFL Hall of Fame on Saturday.  He joins Walter Payton, Dan Hampton, and Mike Singletary from that team.  Congrats to Richard and his family from a die hard Bears fan...you deserved it!!

Not a fun weekend...

So yes, I know...I was watching.  That team that wears green all the time (I can't say their names..I'm a Bears fan!!) won that game yesterday, that I only watched due to the fact I had homework to do during the game. (Evaluating the commercials for Ad. Design.)  So that, added on to my car dying on Thurs, (my Fuel Pump went out!!) causing me to miss class on Friday, and costing $$ I don't have....well you can see,  Matty didn't have much fun this weekend.  Good news...got homework done, cars working again, and I still have time to do more homework for tomorrow.   Whew....(here are some pics of my car being towed...)

Friday, February 4, 2011

Car's dead, not sure what's wrong...

So yesterday afternoon, while letting my car run for a few minutes, it just died.  Kept it in the garage overnight, but still wouldn't start this morning.  So can't make it to school today.  Instead of just sitting around doing nothing, figure I'd share another site that I found.  Actually, David Chu, my 3-D Design teacher showed us a tutorial on this site, and I just went to the home page.  LOTS of really cool tutorials on a variety of subjects for you to check out.  http://vector.tutsplus.com/  Hope ya enjoy!



Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Let it snow...Let it snow...LET IT SNOW!!!!

So, just got word from COD, all classes cancelled until Thursday.  (If you don't know why, then you obviously live somewhere nice n warm, and I'm a tad jealous of you right now.)  But, on that note, I want it documented...if you scroll down on this page, you'll see 3 possible entries for my "Homage Project" for GD2.  They were due tonight, and obviously, they are done.  But now I have plenty of time to work on my 3-D Design project...so on to the drawing board, and be safe out there everyone...remember..It's not how FAST you get there, it's that you GET THERE.

